Recycle energy: When this card is to be discarded, put it back in your hand.
This energy provides 1 C energy and is not counted as a basic energy card.
Recycle energy could be used for a whole ton of things. The first use of this
card that I found was very handy was using it to pay for the cost of SERs and
Super Potions. Also it can be used for things like Computer Search and
Itemfinder. Since the card can never be discarded, it goes straight back in
your hand and you only have to discard 1 card from your hand.
Second, it is very useful for when people have energy removal
decks. You
keep laying it down and it wastes their energy removals. If you have 2 (like
me)you can keep away from those SERs, or they can be combined with No SER
Gym, so it makes it harder to use SERs.
Third, they work great with Wigglytuff decks (like mine). You
lay down
the recycle energy and use lullaby, then if they even energy removal, you can
lay it back down and use lullaby again. Plus, if you have a good number of
benched pokemon, you can lay down a DCE the second or third turn(3rd if they
energy removaled) and do a good amount of damage.
If you have any questions or comments mail to