Hey Pojo,
The Top Ten Most Underrated Pokemon Cards
10. Hitmonlee
I love Stretch Kick (gets rid of Mr. Mime), and Hi Jump Kick is okay
Combo: Hitmonlee + Hitmonchan = send out hitmonchan while Hitmonlee buids up
9. Lickitung
wow. 90HP Basic that does 10 for 1C, 1/2 chance of Paralysis, then for 2C,
1/2 chace of Confusion (Not that good, but okay)
Combo: 4 Lickitung + 4 Kangaskhan + 4 Chansey + 4 Ditto = Ultimate Colorless
8. Pinsir
20 for 2G, 1/2 chance of Paralysis, then 50 for 4, (not that good)
Combo: Pinsir + Scyther = Great in Haymakers
7. Promo Eevee
I Love that Pokemon Power!!!!!!! Chance to evolve whenever someone else
evolves? great~! Bite is a last ditch effort. 30HP sux.
*Almost identical
to Neo2 Eevee, only Neo2 does 10 damage for Bite
Combo: Promo Eevee + Any pokemon that evolves = thats what his pokemon
is for
6. Aerodactyl
Once you've evolved your pokemon, lay down Aerodactyl and prevent your
opponent from doing so. Wing Attack is Identical to Scyther's Slash
Combo: Aerodactyl + Haymaker Deck = Stop those annoying
5. Venomoth
Shift is awesome, especially agaist Psychic Decks, Venom Powder, is okay, if
you can change your opponents weakness, and flip heads (better than Base
Combo: Venomoth + Mono-Grass = Fits perfect
4. Clefairy
Metronome is incredible. Thats it. Oh yeah 40HP REALLY sux
Combo: Clefairy + Clefable = duh
3. Dark Dugtrio
Love that PP!!! Second attack is pretty good, especially against a Wiggly
(if you get heads)
Combo: cant give away my dex
2. Dark Muk
PP Rox, and attack fits him well
Combo: Cant give away my dex
1. Maintenence
wow. Lets say you have to Prof Oaks in your hand, and you want to use one.
use maintenence, shuffle it and something else into your deck, use the card
you draw, then Oak! Its that simple!
Combo: Maintenence + 2 cards you dont need in your hand = draw a free card,
for cards you
dont need!
Thats it for my first listing.
Expect to hear more from,
<a href="mailto:SecretAgentMan67@aol.com">Secret
Agent Man 67@aol.com</a>
P.S. This posting will explode in five seconds. Really. Im not