Hello my name is Sumo Joe and I'm a great fan
of Pokemon and to help and grass deck then I'll try my best.
Let's take a look at Pinsir.
Basic Pokemon
60 HP
Irongrip- Flip a coin. If heads the
Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. 20 Damage. Two Grass Energy
Guillotine-50. Two Grass, Two Colorless.
Weakness- Fire
Retreat Cost-One Colorless Energy.
Here is a situation to have an example of a way
to use this card.
You have a Pinsir out with two grass energy
versus a scyther fully charged up, and it is your turn. Scyther has 70
HP you could put a Double Colorless Energy down that is in your hand and do 50
or do 20 and hope to paralyze. Most people would do Guillotine instead
BUT, if you use Irongrip and paralyze and then next turn do 50 you would kill
scyther and he never hurt you.
The way I play Pinsir is to do just that.
If I'm fighting a 70 HP Pokemon such as Scyther then I would use Irongrip and
hope to paralyze then do Guillotine to finish Scyther off. Of course
you're not always going to get heads but it is worth a try.
If you think of a better way to use Pinsir or
other ideas let me know, also let me know what you think of my idea.