Hi PoJo,
To start off, I want to say that your site absolutely
to it everyday that I'm online.
I have recently found an awesome combo with the
NEO Nyuura and the
base set Electrode. Let's look at Nyuura's stats:
Basic Pokémon
Type: Evil/Dark
60 HP
C Fury Swipes: 10x Flip 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage times
number of heads.
EE Bag Strike: 20x Flip a coin for each Pokémon you have in play.
This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.
Weakness: None
Resistance: Psychic -30
Retreat: None
Rarity: Rare
Thanks to Edo for the translation.
The way how the como works is to get a Voltorb on the bench. Put Nyuura
as your active Pokémon. Attach an energy to Nyuura (if you want to
use Fury Swipes), or attach an energy to another benched Pokémon.
Next turn, evolve Voltorb into a base set Electrode. Then use
Electrode's Buzzap. Choose Evil as your energy type. Attach it to
Nyuura. Then use a Challenge! to get your bench loaded. Then
with Bag Strike. If your bench is fully loaded, you'll be doing an
average of 60 damage a turn!
This strategy is excellent if you don't want to buy Evil
You can also use this strategy with all evil and steel Pokémon. But
don't use this strategy if your opponent only has a few prizes left.
Because when you Knock Out Electrode to do Buzzap, your opponent picks
up a prize. Another problem with this strategy is that your opponent
may not accept your challenge with your Challenge! card.
Send all comments, suggestions, whatever to
<a href="mailto:tuffyman@webtv.net">
Corey Bonnell signing off.