Once card in the NEO Promo Set was especially useful. This Pokemon? The
powerful Oodairu! He is the Stage 2 evolution of Waninoko (Which is now
Totodile, all thanks to the "great" dubbers), and could change the way water
is played differently. Usually, water depends on the number of energies
attached to the Pokemon do deal a great amount of damage. Not particularly
for this Pokemon though, let's look at his attacks:

Oodairu 120 HP
Stage 2, Evolves from Arigetisu
Type: Water
Weakness: GRASS (Yup, not Electric, but Grass! Hail Scyther!)
Retreat: CCC

Pokemon Power: Cloudburst -- During you turn, before you attack, you may
discard a Water Energy card from your hand. You may use this ability any
number of times per turn.

WWW: Riptide -- 10+ Damage. Does 10 more damage for each Water Energy card in
your discard pile. Then shuffle all your water energy in your discard pile
abck into your deck.

Think of this: Lots of Water energy consumed by Articuno, Blastoise, etc.
gone from Retreating, etc. Now, if you just have 3 Energy on Oodairu, he may
cause devastation! Packed with 120 HP, he takes Base Charizard's  mighty
title! After you've used riptide for a (usually) 10-100 damage, next turn,
Use Professor Oak, then Cloudburst, and Riptide again! The only weakness
Oodairu packs is if you don't have much Water energy in your discard pile,
then you'd only be able to do around 40 damage =(.

Any questions, comments, hate mail, can be sent to me, at PeNnY718@aol.com