Nightly Garbage Run
Team Rocket Trainer
By: Johnny Marc

    Hello!  I'm here to discuss a very extraordinary trainer today.  You
obviously know what I am going to talk about today.  Yep, it's Nightly
Garbage Run from Team Rocket.  This card is an important card to many of us
now, and more of this card is going to start appearing because it's an
uncommon, making this card easier to gain access to.  This card lets you pick
3 cards from your discard pile that is a pokemon(evolution or basic), or
basic energy cards.  There are so many advantages with this card such as if
you just lost your alakazam, you can put the evolutions right back.  Same
with raindance, firespin, venucenter, speedrill, curse, and so on.  This
helps decks with lower energy counts.  Like my favorite kind of deck, turbo
wigglytuff, where the energy counts are low.  I have 15 energies, and 9 of
them are basic, so I need to bring those basic energies back.  Also when I
use scoop up on wigglytuff, I bring back jigglypuff and use nightly garbage
removal to shuffle wigglytuff and energies back into the deck.  I have very
low pokemon count also, so I shuffle back pokemon too just in case.  Oh, and
of course, I always burn fast in a wigglytuff deck so when I need more time,
I can stall a little bit longer with this card.  I strongly recommend using
this card,  for decks that go turbo, and stall decks....

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See ya!