I see these "Top of the World Decks), and they are very similar to each other.
 Every one has given their two cents on the best pokemon overall, the best
pokemon from a set, the best trainer, etc.  I wanted to do something
origional.  I am ranking attacks a) to give people something to think about,
and b) to kill some time on my hands.  The best 10 attacks IMHO are:

10)  Third Eye
Discard one psychic energy in order to use this attack.  Draw three cards
GB Equivelent:  None
Pokemon that use this:  Dark Golduck

Does this card remind anyone else of Ancestral Recall?  Would be ranked higher
if it weren't for the heavy costs (an energy discarded and an attack).

9)  Foul Gas
Flip a coin.  If heads, defender is poisoned; if tails, defender is confused.
GB Equivelent:  None
Pokemon that use this:  Base Koffing, Dark Weezing

Heads, you're doomed.  Tails, you're dead.  And, if attacked more than once,
you can be both things at once.  Is there a bad part to this attack?

8)  Wildfire
Discard as many fire energy from this pokemon as you like.  For each energy
discarded this way, discard one card from the top of the opponent's deck.
GB Equivelent:  None
Pokemon who uses it:  Moltres

Love it or hate it, Stall is and always will be a potent strategy.  Wildfire
gives Stall an aggresive edge.  But even in non-stall decks, discarding cards
straight from your opponent's deck can completely cripple it.

7)  Meditate
Deals damage equal to base damage + the amount of damage already on the
GB Equivelent:  Greatly increases attack power for a short time
Pokemon that use this:  Mr. Mime, Jynx

Incredible.  Makes PlusPower semi-permanent.  A great finishing attack.

6)  Toxic
The defending pokemon is poisoned, and takes 20 damage instead of 10 at the
end of each turn.
GB Equivelent:  The defending pokemon is poisoned, and takes more damage each
Pokemon who use it:  Nidoking

This is like Meditate.  Almost guarentees a two-turn KO.

5)  Lure
Switch the defending pokemon with a benched pokemon.
GB Equivelent:  None
Pokemon who use it:  Ninetails, Victreebell

It can be used as a stall tactic, a setup for a KO, and/or an Energy Removal
(Retreat costs can HURT).  It doesn't do damage, but it's versatile, and
versatility is powerful.

4)  Energy Absorption
Select two energies from your discard pile and attach them to this pokemon.
GB Equivelent:  None
Pokemon that use this:  Movie Promo Mewtwo

We all know how powerful this attack is; Sponge is not a gentle teacher.  This
attack gained a bit of versatility with Team Rocket:  You can absorb Potion
Energies and Full Heal Energies from your discard pile, re-triggering the
come-into-play effects.

3)  Hyper Beam/Whirlpool
Discard an energy attached to the defending pokemon.
GB Equivelent:  Hyper Beam:  Extremely powerful colorless attack, but you skip
your next turn.  Whirlpool:  None
Pokemon who use it:  Golduck, Dragonair, Poliwrath, Dark Vaporeon

Energies are the lifeblood of a deck (well, except for Energyless Stall).
While not doing a lot of "damage," it's the most destructive attack in the

2)  Agility
Flip a coin.  If heads, all effects of opponent's attacks next turn are
GB Equivelent:  Super Speed
Pokemon who use it:  Fearow, Rapidash, Base Raichu

While it doesn't do much damage, with a lucky coin flip, it is phenominal.
Granted the coin flip part sucks, but the potential rocks.  It's a status
effect that can affect Snorlax, is not affected by Switches, Promo Venusaur,
retreating, Full Heals or evolution.  You can use it in addition to Poison and
another effect.  The reason I like most it though, is that you can KO an
opponent with it, and if the flip is heads, the opponent's new pokemon just
twiddles its thumbs.

1)  Metrenome
Select one of the defending pokemon's attacks.  This attack replicates that
attack, except for any costs (such as discarding energies).
GB Equivelent:  Random Attack
Pokemon who can use it:  Clefairy, Clefable

Except for Wildfire (the discard is an effect of the attack, not a condition),
Metrenome can copy any of the above attacks.  It's particalarly nasty against
Third Eye (no discard) and Hyper Beam/Whirlpool (OUCH!).

I picked these attacks without considering the pokemon they come, because WotC
often uses the same attack on different pokemon (How many pokemon now have
Slash?  Quick Attack?  Water Gun?), but the conditions are often different
(different attack costs, base damage), as in the case of Meditate, Metrenome
and Agility (actually, in ALL of the above attacks).  So I looked at the
effects of the attacks, rather than the specifics of a certain card.

I will probably be flamed for not including Do the Wave, Rocket Tackle or
another such attack.  I did not include these because usually, they require a
whole deck to make work.  The attacks above work well in almost any deck.

Look over these attacks.  See if you can use them now, or if WotC releases
more cards with these attacks, don't just shove them into a binder.

-Ad Infinitum
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