Hey, welcome to Talon's Poké-Vet!  You know the drill, raise up the sleeve so
I can give you a nice, big shot that's meant for wild Gyarados.  Hey!  Come
back!  I was only joking!

Nyuura: Ny.  Uuuu!!

Yeah, I know that's not good for business, but it was funny, right?

Nyuura:  Ny. . . uura.

Told ya.  You should've seen the look on his face when I told him it was for
wild Gyarados. 

Nyuura: Uuraa. Ny?

What are we going to do now?  Well, let's see. 

*goes over to the computer and pulls up a file*

There we go.  Bobby Gaines' opinion of Scyther. 

Nyuura: Ny?

What's wrong with it?  Here, look at the first sentence.  "I think of Scyther
as a less powerful version of the great Pokémon, Beedrill."  He states that
Beedrill has higher HP, and better attacks.

Nyuura: Nyuu.

He does, but have you noticed one fact?  Beedrill is Stage Two.  Scyther is
basic.  Now don't get me wrong, Beedrill is awesome when combined with a
Breeder (hence Speedrill), but he is just too slow to match up to Scyther's

Nyuura:  Nyuur. Nyurra.

I'm not mad at him!  I'm not trying to be mean!  I think he is a very
experienced Pokémon player, but I just want to inform him that Beedrill is
awesome, yet Scyther is quicker than Beedrill.  No hard feelings, okay? 
Anyway, Nyurra, what's that noise at the door?  It's the guy who I scared
off?  And he's got what?  His lawyer??  You'll have to excuse me folks, I got
to go settle this.  I hope.

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