The Team Rocket Rattata.
What a great Card! Whoo!
Basic Pokemon
40 HP
Pokemon. Length:1'0'' , Weight8lbs
Pokemon Power:Trickery
Once during your turn
(before your attack) you may switch 1 of
your Prizes with the
top card of your deck. This power can't be
used if Rattata is
Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Quick Attack
Flip a coin. If heads, this
attack does 10
damage plus 10 more damage; 10
if tails, this
attack does 10 damage.
retreat cost
(psychic) -30
Ok. I have all
the important stuff. I'm not gonna do that for the Base Rattata.
Now let's go. The TR Rattata has 10 more HP, a better attack, a good
Pokemon Power, and the same W and R. Q. Attack can dish out at least 10
and up to 20 and with a Plus Power can lay down . B. Rattata can do 20
for 1 colorless. Ok... so maybe not a better attack but his awesome PP
makes up for it. So what's better? You decide.
Marie (changed my e-mail)