King Cobra- Hi! I'm here with a little something on the TuffStuff deck. Arbok
and I have been seeing a lot of articles saying that Challenge and
Wiggleytuff rule together. Well, anyone with a brain wouldn't accept the
challenge if there's a Jigglypuff on the board. I have a solution: Dark
Dragonite! His Power gets you 2 Basic Pokemon a turn and your opponent can't
do anything about it! Come on guys, forget challenge and use the Dark
Dragonite and Wigglytuff combo!

Arbok- I think Winston Churchill once said "This is something which up with I
will not put."

King Cobra- What does that mean?

Arbok- I have no idea.

Send all hate mail and death threats to the FBI.

~King Cobra and Arbok

By the way, in the event that you to that death threat thing seriously, don't
blame me if you get arrested.