This is not in favor of that Magicra..Magicrap(I'll say it
any way). I
mean come on who would use Magikarp without garidos in a deck. Brian also
said "who uses Electric anyway"(or something very simuliur). I guess
never heard of Electabuzz in the time hes been playing the Pokemon TCG.
He also uses 4(?????) in his deck(no Garidos-??????). I mean you've
to have a head full of bark to say something like that. Lets look at COMMONS
that are better than Magicrap(he is uncommon-?????).Heres just a
few,Rattatta(don't know about spelling,garunteed 20 for colorless energy,no
retreat),Machop(higher Hp,garunteed 20 for 1 fighting),Staryu(garunteed 20
for 1 water,10 more hp-he is the best replacement for Magikarp in a deck
with water energies),and many more. Its just that Magikarp is probably the
worst possible choice to have if you aren't including Magikarp.
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