Whether Man: And now ladies and gentlemen, Promo Watch with the Whether Man. Today we'll be looking at the elusive Promo Arcanine. Here's the card:
                                                     Arcanine   HP:70
                                         CC:      Quick Attack     10+
                             Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage.
                                          FF:   Flames of Rage    40+
                             Does 40 damage plus 10 for each damage counter on this Pokemon.
                                Weakness: Water     Resistance:None   Retreat Cost: 1
Mewtwo: Pretty good. Slap an DCE on him and continue Quick Attacking until you've got enough Fire energy to do Flames of Rage to its full potential.
Whether Man: The problem with Base set Arcanine is that he has a drawback in both attacks, and has high retreat cost. This Arcanine has only a drawback to one attack. However, he has low HP, a weakness that the Base Arcanine doesn't have.
Eaamudo: That's the reason why the Tauros/Alakazam combo doesn't work. By the time Flames of Rage gets to do 70+ damage, Arcanine's as good as dead. Unless you can't retreat him, there's no point in using this attack since you're basically trading a prize for a prize. Oh sure, if you knock out that Blastoise it's great, but your opponent will probably have another one waiting for you.
Whether Man: I agree with Eaamudo. Should you actually get to the point where Arcanine can do a lot of damage, he's gone. I'm sticking with Base Arcanine, and I'm sure many of you Cleaner fans will do so also. Unless you're just sacrificing him, I wouldn't put too much faith on him. And since Quick Attack isn't the greatest attack in the world, I'd say this guy should be kept in a showcase or sold.
Mewtwo: There is a card in the future that allows you to, after any turn, remove 4 damage counters off your pokemon. However, that's in Neo, which is way too far in the future to matter.
Whether Man: Well, check that off our list of promos still to be released in America. By the way Eaamudo, how many promos do we still have left on the list?
Eaamudo: Well, let's see... We have the vending machine promos, the Ancient Mew, all jumbo cards, the ANA set, Imakuni?, the promos that have been posted on the Pojo, Promo Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno, the Promo...
Whether Man: Okay! Forget I asked. Well, that's that. Okay, that wraps it up for Promo Watch. And now, the Traphic Report...
                                                                -The Whether Man