Clefable here, no actually it's
again. I'm pleased to tell
you about the almighty Clefable. Please, again please e-mail on the subject
or any thing about AMERICAN pokemon. I strongly dislike Japanese. (This
e-mail could also be about the gameboy.) Also, I help publicize small sites
like unofficial ones that kids made and noone ever goes to. If you want your
site publicized like I am going to do this one e-mail me at
Back to Clefable:
Pros: Extremely GREAT attack!!! Metronome for only ONE energy. 80 Hp. For
Stage 1!!!!! Resistance to Psychic!!!! Wow what a great card!
Cons: Weakness to fighting. and besides that nothing
except.......................... Clefairy. This is the biggest problem.
Trying to evolve from a wimpy pokemon with weakness and only 40 hit points
and its attack takes 3 energy.
However Cllefable is a good card after all. P.S.: Don't forget to e-mail me