This is probably the best card I have ever seen/owned/played.

Translation by Edo:

[POKEMON POWER] Naughty Punch (or I would like to call it sometimes, Sucker
Punch): Once at the END of your turn, you MAY FLIP a coin.  If HEADS, this
power does 20 DAMAGE to your opponent's ACTIVE Pokemon.  If this Pokemon is
Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed or POISONED, this Power can't be used.

It's like having a pluspower in your deck. Having 4 of these guys on your
bench could cause a max. of 80+ your active Pokemon attack. Plus this card
is protected by baby rule:

(If your opponent attacks this Pokemon while it is your Active Pokemon, your
OPPONENT flips a coin.  If tails, that attack does nothing.)

Also it has NO Weaknesses and FREE retreat! A perfect universal card!

Other Stats:

Bad: Not very high
Good: Baby rule makes up for it and free retreat

(Pokemon Power)
Bad: Fossil Muk and other cards can disable this.
Good: You can evolve it to an Electabuzz and start attacking again.

That's it for now. Stay tuned for more Neo cards strategies.

=Evil Ash=
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