::A tall figure looms over the Pokemon battlefield He wears a long brown
tunic and in his right hand glistens a single card.  He looks up then at the
card then chuckles::
Ace:  Hello and welcome; today i am here to discuss a very important card.
::Holds the card out to show::
Ace:  Say hello to pidgeot!
::the card glistens of the sun light and as the man points out the stats::
Ace:                                     Pidgeot: Lv 40 Hp 80
2 attacks
1: Wing Attack:     CC  20
2: Hurricane:         CCC   30
Description of Hurricane: Unless this attack knocks out the defending
Pokemon, return the Defending Pokemon and all cards attatched to it to your
opponent's hand.
Weakness: Electirc
        Resistance: Fighting -30
     Retreat: no cost
::He pulls the card back to glance at it then brings his hands together
holding them in front of him::    
Ace:  I have been looking over all of my pokemon studying them and preparing
to give a strategy on everyone of them and as i was looking a ran across this
little beauty.  Pidgeot seems to be one of the most overlooked cards.  Now he
may not be everything in the way of power and might like the Charizards, or
the Gyrados's of the pokemon world but this little creatures got a lot going
for him.  First off Wing attack not the best in the way of power a cost of
two colorless energy and by the time pidgeots evolved he should already have
that energy underneath him (practically the only draw back is having to
evolve him from Pidgey and Pidgeotto)  But still he will be doing 20 damage
and with 80 HP he can hold his own.  Now his second attack this is where the
beauty of my strategy lies think about it your opponent has been raindancing
or energy transing or even burning your pokemon all game but then you pull
out Pidgeot and with one swift move your opponents blastoise is back in his
hand and chances are your opponent has been listening a bit to much to all
the killer decks and dosent even own a wartortle so he sends someone else out
and lays squirtle back now he has to wait to lay all that energy down because
his big blastoise has just be DeEvolved you see pidgeot works one of two ways
as a de evolution and also a nice hit and run think again for a second he has
no retreatr just get that pesky blastoise out of the way retreat and destroy
your opponents lower evolved forms with your higher ones also the resistance
to fighting is great since yuo cant even go to a league without someone
flashing a copy of someone elses killer haymaker deck in your face now the
weakness to Electric well not to many people have converted to the Electric
scene and it is still up for grabs with the exception of Electabuzz but he is
everywhere any more you know come to think of it a good card combo might bee
pidgeot and Aerodactly evolve pidgeot then play Aerodactyl and voila once you
deevolve your opponents pokemon they cant evolve again.
::Smiles and lets out a soft chuckle::
Ace: well i have said to much so pokemon trainers and masters to be remember
this the next time you are trying to make a deck that pidgeot may not be the
worst pokemon around and it might just be your arrogance against him that
clouds you usefullness for him.....
::he laughs and throws his hands in the air and with a quick flick of both
his wrists is gone from the scene....the wind blows gently and a faint voice
can be heard off in the distance::
Ace: So until next time g'bye and happy training.......
::Everything is silent::
Card described: Pidgeot
Single Strategy: 1 of 1
E-Mail: <A HREF="Kartman761@aol.com">Kartman761@aol.com</A>