Sabrina's Alakazam
We've probably all heard of the famous Sabrina's
Kadabra. But aren't we forgetting another pokemon?
Sabrina's Alakazam?
Sabrina's Alakazam - Psychic Pokemon(duh)
HP: 80
Stage 2 Pokemon
Weakness: Psychic
Resistance: none
Retreat cost: 3
Attacks: Pokemon Power - You may use any attack of
your benched psychic pokemon.
3P (60): You may not use this attack on your next
Lets take a look at its HP. 80 is pretty good, for a
stage 2 Psychic Pokemon. Its just the same as Base Set
Alakazam. The Weakness, type, resistance, stage, are
true for all alakazams. 3 retreat cost won't make you
happy, but its still ok(same as TR alakazam).
Lets take a look at its moves. We'll start with its
attack. For 1 psychic and 3 colorless energy, you can
do 60 damage! Thats a really good energy to attack
ratio. But of course, you can't use it more than one
turn in a roll. That brings us to its power.
Its power lets you use your other benched psychic
pokemon's attacks(according to the translations)! Heh,
imagine kadabra(base set) on your bench. Use recover,
then the 60 damage move, recover some more... Then
theres Sabrina's Kadabra.... and rocket alakazam, and
promo mewtwo lets Sabrina's Alakazam charge up faster.
The ideas are unlimited.