Okay, Snorlax may seem good, but let's look into it and see the bad parts.
Pokémon Power-Thick Skinned (Snorlax can't be confused, asleep, or paralyzed,
but you can't do this if it is already one above.)
Attack-Body Slam, 30 (If you flip a coin and it is heads, then your defending
Pokémon is paralyzed.)
Resistance-Psychic (-30)
Retreat Cost-4
Now, let's see.  Body Slam.  Lousy 30 damage.  Hah-hah.  Pokémon Power is
okay.  Let's see.....retreat cost.  4??!!!!!  What are they thinking??!!!!
In my opinion, Snorlax can be beat by Pikachu.  As for you collectors, you
would love to see a holo-foil Snorlax in your hand as you rip open the
package.  I'm both, but I would NEVER use Snorlax in battles, except if I had
to use colorless and Snorlax was back-up.
Agree?  Dis-agree?  E-mail me at <A HREF="mailto: VulpixTrainer444">VulpixTrai