10. Hitmonchan- He barely makes this list because why??? Because fighting has died thats why. But, he is still exceptional.
9. TR Golbat- Cool Pokémon power plus it is like a Hitmonlee only better.
8. Mr. Mime- Great staller with a cool pokémon power. It's move is very devastating late in the game.
7. Tauros- Now you may be thinking why but really, look at this. For a dble colorless, you could do 20-30 damage. Then for 3 energy you do 20+ the damage on you. That is has potential to do 70 damage. That is very good.
6. Wigglytuff- Great guy to use early in the game because fast damage will really hurt your opponent's Pokémon with smaller amounts of hp.
5. Blastoise-Another great guy to use at the beginning. Wigglytuff and Blastoise are pretty much the same except the Pokémon Power which is why Blastoise is ranked higher.
4. Scyther- Scyther would be ranked higher but some Pokémon are better than it. Yes a great colorless guy with free retreat cost, and resistance but still there are others....
3. Clefable- I Have no idea why this even isn't on some of your lists!!!! 1 energy to do 100 damage!!! That really hurts Charizard and other GREAT (yeah right) Pokemon.
2. Electabuzz- The 2nd best basic in my opinion in the game. 2 great moves.
And in number 1 is...........DITTO. Now, you may be thinking why. Well,
i'll tell you. Ditto could crush Haymakers so fast. Against
Electabuzz, 30-40 on turn 1 or a total of 60 to Hitmonchan on turn 2. Or
even fossil magamar, wait a minute i forgot him.
He would be like #4, oh well,
20-30 damage to it on turn 1.
Well there u have it