IMPOSTER PROF. OAK : It is I The TRUE Imposter Prof. Oak, today i have
brought Koga along.

KOGA: Helo

IMPOSTER PROF. OAK : The subject today is Nidoqueens

KOGA: Yaaaaaaaay!!!!

IMPOSTER PROF. OAK : Anyway, Nidoqueens can do a lot of damage in the right
hands. Koga will explain.

KOGA: First lets have a look at it....

Nidoqueen 90HP

Boyfriends:1 grass,1 colorless. Does 20 damage plus 20 more for each
Nidoking in play.

Mega punch:2 grass ,2 colorless. 50 damage

3 retreat cost weakness to psykik

Now lets take boyfriends small cost (2 energy ) and possibly the highest
damage in the game say you have 4 nidokings out BUT so does th aponent 180
damage in all (360 if you have weakness) EXELLENT

and mega punch high cost but good damage (50)

overall a pretty good card.

IMPOSTER PROF. OAK: Thank you Koga well untill next time .GoodNightsend all
unwanted pokemon to