Dear Pojo, I notice you constantly mention what a great card
Scyther is
and I personally have no problem with Scyther,it's a great card but I was
curious why Kadabra is so often overlooked! I think Kadabra is one of the
better psychic cards in the game! I say this not only due to its super psy
attack which knocks out many of the strongest fighting/psychic/grass
pokemon(Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan,
Alakazam, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, all the Mewtwos,Hypno...)in one hit. But
also because of recover which allows Kadabra to regain all its health!
I write this letter speaking from experience, I've won many games by using
Kadabra, and I'll give you one example of a way you could win with it:
Say you
have A Kangaskahn out and its taking
severe beating at the hands of your opponent's
Hitmonchan. Lets also say you have a benched Kadabra
with two damage counters on it and two psychic energies
in your
hand. You retreat your Kangaskahn in favor of
Kadabra, then putting a psychic energy on Kadabra and
using recover to regain your HP.
Your opponent then uses special
punch for forty,so you add a psychic energy
and destroy your opponent's Hitmonchan. Then you
upgrade to Alakazam and use confuse ray to K.O.
the Hitmonlee your opponent sends out on your
next turn your opponent then decides to stop
playing around and sends out the powered up
Machamp that he has on his bench,and seismic
tosses you,knowing you wont be able to one hit
K.O. him with confuse ray and leaving you
hanging on by a thread with 20 HP left. But
you use devolution
spray, evolving back into kadabra, super
psying him to defeat and drawing your third
prize card of the game.
So you see, Kadabra may have a high Retreat
cost for an uncommon and it might not have
"70 HP phenomenon" on its side, but if you
play it right, with the right trainers,
you can (as I demonstrated above)win
half the game by using three cards.
-Nathan Howard
North Pole AK