Whether Man again! (Crowd groans)
        Okay, I've read the articles of people who love Cool Porygon. Honestly, I still can't figure out why. Let's face facts here: HE'S NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM INVINCIBLE!!! Let's look at why.
        Aspect One, 50 HP: No, that's not good. That's bad. In an actual match, 50 HP goes quickly, especially with the fighting weakness. "But what about Texture Magic?"
        Aspect Two,  Texture Magic: PEOPLE, TEXTURE MAGIC IS A TERRIBLE ATTACK! WHY? BECAUSE IT COSTS THREE ENERGY!!!!! 3 energy! That's a LOT! Energy Removal destroys him!!!! And even if you could use his attack, it wouldn't matter, because retreating or using GOW ends the effect.
        Aspect Three, Comparison against other Porygons: Who cares if he's better than any other Porygon? He's still bad!
        Aspect Four, 3-D Attack: Another three energy attack. This one actually does damage. This attack, people, cannot do 120 damage! Plus, it uses coin flipping. This means only 20-40 damage for three energy. WAY OVERPRICED.
        Aspect Five, Haybreaker: NO! Porygon's not a haybreaker. True, the weakness changing attack is disruptive, but you will get hammered by ER. Even if you didn't, though, Haymakers can always retreat, ending the effect and Cool Porygon's usefulness.
        Well, I hope you got the point. Cool Porygon is, and always will be, Uncool Porygon.
                                                            -The Whether Man
    PS: Hey Scott, who ran the Pojo before you came along?