Hey Pojo!
This is my THIRD Single Card Strategy and I'm doing...Dark Hypno! (Also
TR Drowzee)
P Basic Pokemon
Drowzee 50 HP
Pokemon Power:Long-Distance Hypnosis-Once during your turn (before your
attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now
Asleep; if tails, your Active Pokemon is now Asleep. The Power can't be
used if Drowzee is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
PC Nightmare-The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. D:10
Retreat Cost:C
Cool. It has the same attack as Fossil Haunter! The Pokemon Power
stinks, considering Nightmare does the same thing WITH damage. 10 is
pretty bad, but it hurts if they're Asleep. Almost all Psychics are
weak against themselves, so... (here comes my favorite phrase!) DEAL
Good Trainer Combinations:
Drowzee+The Boss's Way
(Bring out Dark Hypno quicker!)
Rating (1-10):5
(I don't know why, but I just like it.)
P Stage 1, Evolves from Drowzee
Dark Hypno 60 HP
P Psypunch D:20
PPC Bench Manipulation-Your opponent flips a number of coins equal to
the number of Pokemon on his or her Bench. This attack does 20 damage
times the number of tails. Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for this
attack. (Any other effects that would happen after applying Weakness
and Resistance still happen.)
Retreat Cost:CC
Awesome! He does twice Drowzee's damage for half the Energy with
Psypunch! Bench Manipulation ROCKS! It can do a maximum of 100
which is enough to Knock Out almost anyone in the game! With the
Weakness, it's just like I said with Drowzee, DEAL WITH IT!
Good Trainer Combinations:
Dark Hypno+PlusPower
(Bench Manipulation hurts a lot more with a few of these!)
Rating (1-10):7
(Bench Manipulation ROCKS!)
Well, thanx a WHOLE lot for reading my latest S.C.S., and
-Josh McKenna
Pojo Fan
P.S.My next will be on TR Eevee and his evolutions.