Ok, this is just a quickie. The thing that all the
"experts" think is that the point system will make it
easier for "lesser players" (in most cases, rocks) to
understand which is the better card. That's a bunch
of BULLFUNKY! In most cases, it just confuses the
real veterans, not some nerds whose whole vocabulary
is South Park quotes (I know one like that, but he's
not as stupid as some these guys). Plus, Souper,
you're right, to an extent.
Something that even some of the real experts,
like Souper, think is that for Mew's Devolution Beam
to be any good, you have to have an Aerodactyl on your
bench. Not so. Let's say that your fighting a base
Dragonair (which evolved from a base Dratini) with
your Mew. You both have one prize left. The
Dragonair (80 HP total) has a pair of double colorless
on it, so Mew's Psywave wouldn't do any damage. But
if you used Devolution Beam, the damage on Dragonair
would stay, but Dragonair "devolves" to Dratini, who
has 40 HP, and 40 damage on it, so it gets knocked
out. You draw your final Prize and win.
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