With the new Team Rocket expansion, it's
possible to literally search your deck for the 2 dark
evolutions to Dratini! Just place a Dratini on
the bench and use either a Computer Search, or
better yet, a Boss's Way to search your deck
for a Dark Dragonair. Dark Dragonair has the
power to search for any evolution card it
wants. Simply search your deck for the "God of
Destruction". During this time, you should
be placing more and more energies on it. By the
time it is fully evolved, you should have lots
of energy on it. Also, due to Dark Dragonite's
Power, you can search your deck for two
really good Basic Pokemon like Mr. Mime or Scyther (in my opinion). Dark
Dragonite has 70 HP, kind of low for a Stage 2 Pokemon, but it can do 70
damage on a heads, so when it works, it does a whole heapin' load of damage.
It has no weakness and a resistance to psychic, and it's colorless, so it fits
into just about any deck.
I hope I have not wasted anyone's time and I
hope from now on, everyone will spell psychic correctly.
-The Poo Bob