Decks like haymaker and rain dance or amazingly getting annoying.  They're one trick ponies and everyone is using the same kind of deck!  Please just make your own deck up, start with a central theme if that helps.  Or if your addicted to haymaker.......make a rainbow haymaker! Try that one!  Try not to use just one color because that's not fun....use 3-4 colors and make everything balanced.  In any deck you should only have 12-15 pokemon.  Sometimes 8-10.  For goodness sake PLEASE MAKE YOUR OWN DECK!!!!  Its alot more fun and even if you lose...have fun.  I'm new to pokemon (but and expert at Magic: TG) and i've made a deck with all the colors but water and it turned out pretty sweet! Use what you have and dont waste to much money on a game.  Get a strategy!