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Pokemon TCG Strategies
by Kempley05
July 11, 2007
After EX: Power Keepers was released amongst the last batch
of ex’s to be released was one that caught the mind of a
large number of top players. Absol ex explored the potential
of cards like Jolteon ex, and hence at Regional one of the
best decks in the format emerged – Absolutions. And
just last weekend it won US nationals Masters 2007, one of
the largest tournaments in Pokemon history
Article by: Kempley05
Title: Absolutions
Date: June 28, 2007
Latest set released: Diamond and Pearl
Format: DX-DP
Contact: Kempley05@hotmail.co.uk
The List
Pokemon - 24
4 Mew ex (LM)
2 Absol ex (PK)
3 Jolteon ex (DS)
1 Espeon ex (UF)
1 Vaporeon ex (DS)
4 Eevee (DS – Call For family)
2 Likitung (DF)
1 Jolteon* (PK)
1 Jirachi ex (CG)
1 Rayquaza ex (DF)
1 Lapras (LM)
1 Holon's Voltorb (DS)
1 Holon's Castform (HP)
Trainers 24
4 Holon Transceiver (DS)
2 Holon Mentor (DF)
2 Lannette’s Net Search (EM)
1 Holon Adventurer (HP)
1 Holon Scientist (DS)
3 Professor Elms Training Method (DF)
4 Super Scoop Up (DS)
3 Windstorm (CG)
2 Stump (LM)
2 Mary’s Request (UF)
Energy - 13
3 Rainbow Energy (LM)
2 Darkness Energy (PK)
4 Multi Energy (PK)
4 Lightning Energy (PK)
The Pokemon
3 Mew ex (LM)
This card allows players to tie up various attacks and Po kemon
into 1 all round package with out having to retreat over and
over. He’s Psychic, which is often said to be one of the
best types in the game, in particular cards like this give
us a shot against Fighting decks.
90 HP is as always very disappointing, but the ability to
use any attack, with all the rainbow energy we have,
including Absol ex’s Psychic pulse without using an absol
drop is fantastic.
3 Absol ex (PK)
Arguably one of the best Pokemon in the format - controlling
damage is one of the best abilities any card can have. You
can drop this one out of no-where to either get a KO or set
up a KO using Jolteon ex’s second bite – he’s just so
flexible and you can mentor your way into one of these at
Not only that, his attack can be deadly turn 2. If you (as
you usually do) drop in an jolteon ex T2, to can be
spreading damage very, very fast. He fits in perfectly with
the theme of the deck.
In addition, this card quite conclusively handles one of the
best decks in the format in the form of Bandoom. We’ll go
into more detail later.
Weakness can be a pain, but is usually handled by mew ex.
3 Jolteon ex (DS)
The cornerstone of the d eck
and long one of the more underrated card in the game. 10
Spread is simply amazing. The fact we play 3 of these, and
can reasonably expect a Super Scoop up flip or 2, your
already putting a large amount of damage all over your
opponents board without even attacking.
In addition, his first attack is one of the best in the
game. Having just spread damage on everything your opponent
has, this attack is perfect for getting KO’s where needed,
something easily done on that crucial second turn.
Also he has a huge attribute in his free retreat. You can
often convert an eevee start into a mew ex start for the
second turn. Otherwise, dropping in 1 of these turn 2
alongside a Jolteon* will often get you a Turn 2 disruptive
1 Espeon ex (UF)/1 Vaporeon ex (DS)
These are you “eeveelution techs” We already play eevee so
these fit in nicely. Espeon ex can often ruin a Pokemon your
opponent has just rare candied. He can also take knockouts
in his own right by knocking down a Pokemon by a stage.
Vaporeon probably has the best effect of the eeveelutions.
Rockets Admin last format was the BEST card around, and is
much missed by players. With hands bigger with Castform
starters, this beauty is disruptive and not only that it’s a
built in anti-safeguead with his first attack. There’s a lot
of flexibility in decks with heavy eeveelution lines in
terms of the techs players use, but this is pretty much a
staple in all of them.
You can also easily play Umbreon ex as well as or instead of
the Espeon. He can often be crucial late game in pulling a
weak Pokemon forward to allow the player to take that last
important prize.
4 Eevee (DS – Call For family)
Mew can often copy his attack to allow you to set up better.
We play 4 as we’re swarming with eeveelutions and this
version because we don’t WANT a Castform start ever.
2 Likitung (DF)
One of the most fun cards in th e
format. 3 counters anything delta turn 1?! Playing multiples
of these could also mean you get a chance to attack with one
itself which gives you a much needed prize advantage in the
long term. Excellent card in what is STILL a delta dominated
1 Jolteon* (PK)
When I first built this deck I often found I was putting 40
damage on an active castform T2 and often needed a pluspower
as such. Then word got around about this little guy. He is
in effect a mentorable pluspower. Whilst the 10 damage to
self and bench space is annoying, when you actually use him
I promise he will be devastating.
1 Jirachi ex (CG)
This card is very, very good in certain situations. Sitting
there with this guy locking Metanites powers after a hefty
crush and burn can be devastating. He can get a continuos
lock which annoys, disrupts and beats certain decks like
Metanite and Flariados.
1 Rayquaza ex (DF)
Originally I didn’t play this, but I have now seen it’s
virtues. For the sake of a couple of Lannettes in your draw
engine he is worth it. When your behind own his own he is
fantastic, and can snipe beldums T2. 2HKOing 100HP and less
ex’s is often a very viable strategy to win games.
1 Lapras (LM)
One of the more underrated cards in the format. Usually he
forms part of your opening mentor, where you search for a
Professor Elms training method to get a Joltoen to follow
your eevee. He makes a lot of things possible; his only
problem is he is a VERY bad starter.
1 Holon's Voltorb (DS)
1 Holon's Castform (HP)
Having energy to hit early on is crucial. This pair ensure
that you’ll have energy T1, and then you’ll have an energy
attachment T2 and 3 with Castform. Very good card to fetch
with your opening Mentor. Neither are desirable starters.
The Trainers
4 Holon Transceiver (DS)
2 Holon Mentor (DF)
2 Lannette’s Net Search (EM)
1 Holon Adventurer (HP)
1 Holon Scientist (DS)
This is your primary Draw and search engine. The Holon
engine with 2 Lannettes allows for occasional setup without
having to discard, as well as giving you access to the
Rayquaza ex d. We run lots of different types and techs so
these do help out. I always stick with at least 2 Mentors to
(pretty much) ensure they don’t end up prized when you play
a Holon Transceiver. If you’re having problems with
consistency you can up your numbers of either of these.
The Adventurer and Scientist provide draw power when needed.
Well rounded and having one of each is handy for drawing
your way into cards like Super Scoop Up.
You may also want to add a Holon Farmer to the Holon engine
for recovery of key cards, however this is by no-means
essential and usually we’re fast enough not to need recovery
late game.
3 Professor Elms Training Method (DF)
Searches out your eeveelutions and their effects as and when
4 Super Scoop Up (DS)
Perfect not only for preserving your fragile low-hp ex’s and
saving 2 prizes a time, but re-using Lapras, Absol ex and
the eeveelution ex’s effects.
3 Windstorm (CG)
Very useful for countering Cessation Crystal, as well as
removing your own stumps in the same turn you played them.
2 Giant Stump (LM)
Amazing for a few reasons. There’s the obvious one that you
can save FOUR prizes by dropping one of these and dumping
your damaged ex’s. At the same time you can severely disrupt
your opponents game by forcing them to discard key Pokemon.
Get your timing right though, don’t just play it the moment
you see it.
2 Mary’s Request
We play no Stage 2’s, so this card effectively reads draw 3
cards, very nice.
The Energy
3 Rainbow Energy (LM)
2 Darkness Energy (UF)
4 Multi Energy (PK)
4 Lightning Energy (PK)
Darkness energy are used to get a boost to your damage if
you get to attack with Absol itself, in particular they’re
handy against Bandoom but we don’t really like to attack
with him so only 2 are played.
Rainbows and Multi’s played again to provide all of the wide
range of energy we need, in particular a Turn 1 Psychic for
The Strategy
Now in general it is one of the hardest decks to actually
pin down a strategy for. There’s so much you can do to
control play during a game, and often the way you play and
start a game varies. *Usually* your getting a T2KO with
either Second Bite or Psychic pulse with Jolteon* if needed,
then you control the situation as needed until you deal
damage in the right way to take 6 prizes, and win. Time
Absol drops, Jolteon ex's and so on perfectly and you can
beat just about anything.
The Matchups
Infernape has the ability to beat just about any deck
because of it’s speed, we’re no exception. Theres always a
real danger of them taking a T2 Knock out of an active mew
and then sweeping from there. Try and force them to 2 hit KO
you by keeping your Joltoens attacking. We do have a few
tricks up our sleeve though – for example a Jolteon ex drop
and then using Mew to take the KO with their own Flare Blitz
is pretty nice, also copying Delcatty ex’s upstream lategame
might just get you over the finishing line. You can also do
some (limited) damage with a Vaporeon ex hitting them for 70
turn 2. It can go either way very easily depending on the
start, but Infernape ALWAYS has the ability to not even let
you see a game beyond the first few turns, and the fact that
we’re ex and they’re not is devastating ~55:45-45:55.
Not an easy one, you pretty much play to the situation, try
and stump early and force them into discarding good stuff to
keep the eggs line going. Usually the difference can be
whether they run a 1-1 or 2-2 eggs line. Usually our
consistency and speed serves as a huge asset. Beware or Ray
ex d and if they put 1 forward KO it quick before it tears
through your Pokemon ~50:50
Close. You need to try and play their game. Don’t be afraid
of going behind a prize if it give you a shot at going
rampant with your ray ex d for a few turns. Just one break
or turns advantage will swing this match up, second biting
can give you an advantage bt beware of locking yourself into
a killer stone. If they play Jirachi it becomes a bad
matchup very quickly. ~50:50-40:60
One of your better match-ups, largely because on 1 card.
Jirachi ex puts them under huge pressure without Flareon
drops. With mew you get a shot at hitting for 60, then
taking the KO with a Jolteon drop, then taking another KO.
Allows you a lot of scope to win and with tropius it’s very
much in your favor ~ 80:20
Not nearly as bad as some people make out. Jolteon has
resistance to Raichu, and Mew has Eggs’ weakness. Getting in
some very early damage on the Eggs with Likitung, then
playing your giant stump makes their 4-4 eggs line look less
intimidating and our Jolteon ex line more so. Resistance is
key, as well has holding back your windstorms to take out a
cursed stone and a cessation crystal if at all possible in
the same turn as your dropping Joltoen ex(s). Saving cards
and perfect Stump timing makes a seemingly horrific match up
OK. However, it all goes back to the fact that they could
have a scramble just waiting to pull of a KO. Good play
dramatically can swing this match up either way ~ 40:60.
Surprisingly Close. With ray you can take out beldums and
force them into all sorts of horrible situations. As said
Jirachi ex can be a beast here. In addition your Jolteon
ex’s are resistant to their Metagross and Dragonite, don’t
be afraid to use them to your advantage. Techs like Groudon
ex can be quite cringe worthy but the best thing they can do
in general is Treeko->Rare Candy->Sceptile ex d=GG. 60:40
without Sceptile, 20:80 with.
Absol makes this a very easy match up. What can they do? Use
Banny ex and we take them out 1 by 1? No way. Instead they
have to go to the safeguard one, with whom they have little
choice but to continuously attack for no damage and
confusion. Our reply is to just sit there – be patent. Drop
a Jolteon ex or 2, then make your killer blow with a dropped
Absol/Vaporeon ex to sneak through safeguard. Then you can
get through Houndooms and if they put forward Bannette ex
you take them out with Absol. Almost an auto win
You need to abuse mew here. A lot of the cards in our deck
are Fighting weak, but mew can ruin it all for them. Try and
get a T2KO and you should be able to go through their deck.
An eevee start to a Machop though and you might just have a
turn 1 loss on your hand. - 70:30
The End
So anyways that’s the article. All the best to the pokegym
and everyone at US nationals!