Pokemon TCG Strategies
Some popular decks andr techs - JMAN
August 21, 2009
1 Luxape- a mix of luxray and infernape (both SP and lv x).
This was originally made just to counter dialga G and palkia
G variants. This deck can bring out opponent’s techs and
then go in for the kill using their poke power.
2 Dialga G lv x variants- used mainly for It’s poke-body,
shutting down all pokebodys in play except SP pokemon.
3 Palkia G lv x variants- also used for it’s pokebody, it
reduces the opponents bench down to 3 pokemon.
4 Flygon lv x variants- this card was hyped about it’s
attack that can knock any lv. X (Excluding torterra) in only
one hit. It’s pokebody is also great too, possibly
discarding the opponent’s key cards to his/ her deck. It’s
weakness to gengar has been beginning to show, therefore it
is becoming slowly less popular.
5 Gengar- this card is mainly used for it’s attack which is
30 times the number of trainers, supporters, and stadiums in
your opponent’s hand.
It also has a resistance to colorless, which is good against
flygon. It is used a lot with nidoqueen.
1 claydol-used for drawing power only.
2 Uxie- Same as claydol
3 nidoqueen- pokebody heals all of you pokemon every turn.
There you are