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Card Game Strategy
September 1999
(these are articles by fans & players of the
- 9.29.99 Decks For
Fun - Pernspike
- 9.29.99 Great deck for the
future - V.
- 9.29.99 High 2nd turn damage
- Eric T.
- 9.29.99 Beatdown
Efficency - Danielson
- 9.29.99 Death of
Haymakers - Hong
- 9.29.99 Strategies and Overlooked
Cards - Joe S.
- 9.29.99 Take care of your
cards! - Greg
- 9.29.99 The Perfect deck to
defeat - Jeff
- 9.29.99 The Truth of it All-
Fossil - Peditto
- 9.29.99 Tips - Joe
- 9.29.99 Whats wrong with this idea
- Max
- 9.29.99 How to Voice your Opinion without Sounding
Stupid - Pokemon Lady
- 9.29.99 Great new deck
idea - Brett
- 9.23.99 Fossil effects on
decks - Buchanan
- 9.23.99 Pokemon
Lawsuit - Larsen
- 9.23.99 A
conversation with Bob - Chipmunk
- 9.22.99 A deck look at Gym 1 &
2 - Howland
- 9.22.99 Deck
Tips - Simtech
- 9.22.99 Deck advice and other
stuff - Phantom
9.23.99 RE2
BILLS advice above - Meeth
- 9.22.99 Back to the
basics- Lobrico
- 9.22.99 Fire tips
- Sharp
- 9.22.99 Pokemon deck and startagie when fossil comes
out - Anderson
- 9.22.99 Youngster
Trainers - Kessel
- 9.22.99 Let's all bag the kids, shall
we? - Samia
- 9.22.99 No type of deck is
Bad - Matt
- 9.22.99 Oh, that cheap staller deck
again - Samia
- 9.22.99 Opinions
- Kim
- 9.22.99 Annoying
people - Lobrico
- 9.22.99 Take a
Chance - Samia
- 9.22.99 The rating of
decks - Matt K.
- 9.22.99 Things I just HAVE to
say - Sharp
- 9.18.99 Deckbuilding,
Playtesting, and Apprentice - Pokemon Lady
- 9.18.99 Hasbro taking over
WotC - Chipmunk
- 9.18.99 Poke-moms
- Buchanan
9.22.99 RE
Poke-moms - Pokemon Lady
9.23.99 RE Poke-moms
- Parrnas
9.29.99 Re poke-moms-
- 9.18.99 Pokemon Advantage
- Jeff T.
9.23.99 RE 9-18-99 Pokemon
Advantage - PM
- 9.18.99 PokeTips-
- 9.18.99 Psyhic are
stallers - Matt
- 9.18.99 The True Power of Status Effects and The Cleaner
- Michael B.
- 9.18.99 Quit crying about
prices - Novak
- 9.18.99 Are you Forgetting your
Energy? - Wooten
- 9.18.99 Blastoise
Problems - VL
- 9.18.99 Deck Idea -- Damage
Control - Eric
- 9.18.99 Gym Series 1&2-
Rob Z
- 9.18.99 Best
trainers - TCGwiz
9.23.99 RE 81899-Best
Trainers - SD
- 9.18.99 strategy
- Matias
- 9.15.99 Damage Swap Strategy
- Chris. H.
9.22.99 REDamgae swap
strategy - Parenti
- 9.15.99 Add a little fire to any
deck - Johnny
- 9.15.99 Layin' the Smackdown
- PC
- 9.15.99 Re The Pokemon TCG Commercial and Deck
discussion - PC
- 9.15.99 How evoulution cards should be
handled - S. King
- 9.15.99 Death of the Psychic
pokemon - Brett
- 9.15.99 A few thoughts and opinions on
Pokemon - Swiney
9.29.99 RE: A few thoughts and opinions on
Pokemon - Buchanan
- 9.15.99 Top 10 (including
fossil) - Ken
- 9.15.99 Top 12 Cards
- Brian
- 9.15.99 Booster
Prices - Frogboy
- 9.13.99 Basic Deck
Problems - Woods
9.23.99 ReBasic Deck
Problems Stephani
- 9.13.99 Don't screw kids in
trades - BJ
10.7.99 RE: Don't Screw Kids in
Trades - Ed
- 9.13.99 Deckbuilding for beginners to
experts- Doan
- 9.13.99 Decks O' The
Future! - Mark R.
- 9.13.99 General
Tips- Echgee
- 9.13.99 Judo Chop,
Baby! - Magnusson
- 9.13.99 Kids and
Pokemon - Mike
- 9.13.99 Stall Decks, Hitmonchan, holos,
etc. - Pernspike
9.29.99 ReStall Decks, Hitmonchan, holos,
etc- Buchanan
- 9.13.99 The Ultimate
Staller - Brian W.
- 9.9.99 Trainers and
Pokemon - Wallace
- 9.9.99 Effects on Decks-
Hsu - Hsu
- 9.9.99 Fire just doesn't work
- Cleveland
- 9.9.99 Future Zap
Deck - J. Smith
- 9.9.99 The Best and Worst
Pokmon - Cipriani
- 9.9.99 Strategy article
submission -J. Coronel
- 9.9.99 TCG gym style
- Romeo
- 9.9.99 Top 10
cards - G.Branham
- 9.9.99 Unhelpful cards
problem - Matt
- 9.2.99 A New
Deck - Stumpo
10.11.99 Re 9299-A New
Deck - Sharp
- 9.2.99 Be
Creative - Craven
- 9.2.99 wizards of the coast
& canada- Stamov
- 9.2.99 Deck Building Stratagies, Rain Dance
Ressecion - CJ
- 9.2.99 Deck Building Tips, Rain Dance and its
Varients - Velez
- 9.2.99 Deck help
- Matt K.
- 9.2.99 Essential
cards for decks - hawkins
- 9.2.99 Fossil
Expansion - Saxton
- 9.2.99 If I see another Raindance Deck Ill scream!
- P. Lady
9.9.99 Re If I see another Raindance Deck I'll scream!
- Mat
9.15.99 Re article If I see another raindance deck Ill
scream - P. Lady
9.18.99 RE Raindance and
ScreamingPokemonLady - Pokemon Lady
9.22.99 Re article If I see another raindance deck Ill scream
- Parenti
9.22.99 RE Raindance and Screaming Pokemon Lady
- Matt
9.23.99 Re If I see another Blastoise Deck Ill Scream-
Pokemon Lady
9.29.99 RE:
Matt raindancescreaminghairpullingetc. - Pokemon
- 9.2.99 Most expensive, yet the
worst - Kennedy
9.15.99 RE:Most exspensive but the
worst - Buchanan
9.15.99 RE:
Kennedy's article 9299 - Nick
- 9.2.99 Pokebrats and things people should
know - VL
- 9.2.99 Speed deck
- Buchanan
- 9.2.99 The Pokemon TCG Commercial
- Bio
- 9.2.99 Worthless
Arguments - VL
Do you have deck building strategies? Single Card Strategies? Do you
run your own tournaments? Do you play in nicely run tournies at your shop?
Have you found a use for a card that no one really knows? Do you disagree with
advice noted elsewhere? We want to know! Write Us.
Note: These submissions are editorials and may not reflects
the views of The PoJo. ;-)
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