Whats up everybody. Ive been postin alot of
stuff lately and attempting to give good tips. Even with all the advice
from not only me but everyone who is in their right mind and posted somethin,
I still see badly made decks. I see thrashfest potentials and vulpix
food lyin around the killer decks. I want to make everyone better so
heres my two cents on deck buildin
1st-CHose a pokemon/strategy. Normally i go
with a pokemon as strategy comes from there. I like to cruise the killer
decks and single card tips comin up for new strategies for cards and deck
ideas. In case u dont know what u want, just look up a deck that did well
and make a varieation of that
2nd-Chose your pokemon A list of good
cards/families is
-water-Gyrados(magikarps a bummer),
Dewgong,Blastoise, Lapras, Articuno, Poli's, golduck
-fire, arcanine, ninetales, both magmars, moltres,
-grass-Every rare from this color is good(cept
victreebell) so i dont want to list em all, Scyther is best though
-Fight-Dugtrio, machamp, Chan, lee, Dactyl
-light-Raichu(base), Buzz, Base electrode
-psy-Gengar, mime,Kazam, both
Mewtwo's,Haunter(fossil only)
-colorless-Dodrio, taurus, chansy, Kanga,Dragonair
3rd-Once color(s) are chosen follow an out line of
50%, 25%, 25%. Half in one color, 1/4 in another and 1/4 colorless.
This way your all but insure u wont get dominated by a single color.
Never have all your pokes weak to the same thing cause thats very bad
versitility. Use cards that work well together like scoopup and chansey.
Scyther is the ideal versitility man cause he has resistance, a good attack
and no retreat.
4th-decide energy ratio's. For example if
you use kabutops and electabuz, Butop's needs 4 fighting but buzz nedds one
electric. So 4 butop's need 16 fightin energy but buzz needs one
light. So for every 16 fightin u need 4 light. Try to restrict
space takin by energy by usin 3 retreivals. Always have atleast one if
u dont use 3
5th-the hardest part trainers. Use
dissruption in every deck. Removal is by far the best way. Gust,
lass and other trainers are also dissruptive. Clefairy's mewtwos and
chansys are also dissruptive. High damage attacks are dissruptive
cause it will be hard for ur opponent to get ready while u mow down their
defenders. Manipulation is also important.Use 2 oaks and 4 bill NO
MATTER WHAT. Always have item finders(very maniplulative) comps and
anythin else which gets u what u need.
Once ur deck is ready play test it. Play
solitare matches. I personaly use apprentice to playtest then head out
to the store to open up some cans. I want u to know that every
thing i said is straight out of Brian Brokaws book so dont mess with me on
this one. If u can, Get that book because it is the most complete
reference to pokemon deck buildin. The card tips are also good but
fossil and rocket arn't in it. Any questions and what every else u want
to say can go to my address at swederacr9@aol.com Until
next time, swederacr is signin off