hey!im here to tell you some weakness's of those pesky rocket zapdos.so here they are....
wooper-yes wooper .R.Z. cant to jack to him unless it has 4 energy on it .but bye then you should have a good amount of damage on zapdos.try its evoled form to.

clefable-one energy and R.Z. is gone.well thats if they get first hit and its fullyloaded(all four energy)
but whats the chance of that happening.

and finallyenergy removal and defender-yes there trainers but you energy remove them they just waste an energy on there next turn.and defender for its first attack wich does twenty and wont do anything with the defender.

well thats my report tell me if you like it or not
pokemon14@eudoramail.com(any mail exect viruses please none)

nick84 signing off.......beep! 

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