Hi, my name is Darwin Goh
I go every sunday to the TCG League. At the Toys R Us I go to, they don't have any badges, medals, and new promos like Mermaidinmalaysia, who posted on a letter on March 26th with the same kind of problem. If you are reading this Mermaidinmalaysia, I know how you feel because it really stinks( I mean it realllly stinks) if you hear that there are new promos out, but you're just not getting them, I bet you would fell very bad. Please if you can help me, me and my friends will be gratefull. Just e-mail me. If Wotc can hear me, please send the things to the Toys R Us. If you want to know were the Toy R Us I go to is, please e-mail me. Another thing I'd like to say is that I have a really cool  Haymaker. If anybody wants to know what's in it just e-mail me. The Haymaker is really good and I think if you use it, you'll have a lot of fun with it.
Darwin Goh
e-mail me at : darwingoh @yahoo.com