I was looking through my rares and I found a card that isn't in many decks,
it's called Dark Alakazam. Most people see it as a stage 2 with 60hp and say
it's no good. I think that this is one of the best psychic pokemon there is.
It may have a 3 retreat cost, but it's attacks are great. One of them
(teleport blast), does damage while switching Alakazam with another pokemon.
So the retreat cost is out of the question. Mind Shock doesn't apply weakness
or resistence and does 40 damage for 3 psychic energy. A little expensive, but
now a psychic deck could stand a chance against Wigglytuff. You could use it
with sprout tower for maximum effects and damage against Wigglytuff. Overall,
you can use this card as an attack tool instead of stalling as so many Psychic
decks do. This is a good card and it's worth using. E-mail me at
if you agree, disagree, or just need a deck fixed. I'll react to every deck
that needs fixed.