Hi Pojo! Great site! I am here to talk about a subject that should have been
discussed after Neo came out. Evolutions. When you think evolutions, you
think: Wigglytuff. So many people play Sneasel Beatdowns, Sponge decks, and
other decks that contain only basic Pokemon in them. Why? Because they think
Basic Pokemon are much faster than evolution cards. Wrong. Evolution is just
as fast, if not, faster than an basics. A good player knows how to get out
his evolutions fast and upgrade his little Pokemon as fast as can be. For
example, I have an Erika's Victreebel deck which won a tourny today.
(Saturday) It beat many other decks that run only basics. Another deck that
came into my mind from someone (Forgot their name) was an
Electrode/Exeggutor/Meganium deck. Thats right! THREE evolutions! But guess
what? With the right trainer cards, it was no problem getting Exeggutor
loaded on turn two with about 10-16 grass energies. Don't get me wrong, I am
not saying that the deck(s) are unbeatable. Every deck is beatable. It just
upsets me how much people think that evolution is a bad thing. If you are
experienced, you know how to make evolution work. If you play basics only,
well, you need to learn to play evolution. The main reason I like evolution
decks is because they are FUN. They are so much funner than basic decks. You
have no idea how many combos you can pull off with evolution decks. For
example, my friend totally annihalated my Victreebel deck with an
Aerodactyl/Mew/Chaos Gym/Erika's Dratini deck. Thank you UniversalJuan! See
what I mean? I have a deck in the process with a card NO ONE uses. It is just
a forgotten card that everyone passes up thanks to Pokemon Breeder.  Anyway,
to wrap this up, Evolution is a great thing. If you are good enough, you know
how to make it work. (Excluding Wigglytuff, which EVERYONE and their moms
know how to make work) Next time you want to make a deck, look into evolution
cards. Do not directly look at basics. Sure Electabuzz, Rocket's Dos,
Scyther, Ditto, and Cleffa are all nice cards. But you these strong basics
make up only 50% of the TCG. The other 50 belongs to the evolutions. In my
opinion, the heart of Pokemon.

Disagree? Please no hate-mail.
Juan Ayala