Okay guys, that is it. No more Ms. Nice Guy... er... Gal... whatever.
(PMS rant mode kicks in...)
The instructions on the procedure to submit something to us are pretty darn clear and are located at the opening page of the TCG section. Today I had to delete about 1/2 the submissions that you all sent me because the directions were not followed. Let me remind you of the things that you must include:
- In the subject line of your email, you MUST include your name and the name of your article. If you don't have both... Garbage City.
- If you are writing in response to another article, in the subject line of your email include the name of the article you are responding to, the date of that article, and your name. If you don't have all 3, say buh-bye, cause you'll never see your reply printed. It should look like this:
Subject: Re: AAARRRGHHH! 4/1 - Eric Cartman
- You MUST include your email address at the end of your article. This is one of the first things I look for. If it ain't there, I won't even read your article before I trash it.
- Please, please, puleeeeeze, I BEG you.... use correct spelling, grammar, spacing and punctuation! I understand an occasional typo, but please consider at the very least using a spell-checker.
And while I'm on the subject, please don't spell like this:
- u = "you"
- ur = "you are" or "your"
- ne = "any"
- i = "I"
- etc., etc... you get the picture...
- Do not just send me card spoilers and a few comments explaining what you think of a card (basically a card review). If you are just telling us what everyone already can see for themselves, then that is useless to us. What we want are strategies.... how a card can combo with another card or in a deck to make it better. Something that hasn't already been mentioned here, please. Here is a sample of what I do NOT want:
1. Rocket's SnorlaxThis card has ''SLOW'' written all over it. Sure, Restless Sleep (its Poke'mon Power) does damage when Snorlax is Asleep and the Defending Poke'mon does damage to it, but as a result of using Collaspe(its attack, which guaruntees Sleep on Rocket's Snorlax) this card will see VERY little action.Rating: 22. Chaos GymHalf the time your opponent plays a Trainer, it will do nothing? This card is excellent! The bast part about it is that is a Gym.Rating: 43. Steel EnergyStall decks will love this card! Power Decks with no Steel Poke'mon in them will shun it.... Not much else otherwise. This is obviously the best Energy!Rating: 54. Ecolo GymThis is better than No Removal Gym, as it makes E.R and S.E.R useless! Energy discarded will just go back to your hand! A MUST!Raing: 5(Again, this submission told us nothing we didn't already know.)
And there you have it. I'm going to start getting stricter about this, so if you really want to see your submissions on our website, make sure you are following all the submission guidelines.
~ Doll