Mono Electric Decks- they were laughed at. Pathetic.
They could not be used.
But now, there has been a surge(nice pun huh) of them.
They are virtually the most popular type. Psychic is close, but the fact
that Sneasel is used in Electric Decks cancels that notion. But what started
this "Dark Age" when all you see is yellow and black? Let's travel
in time.
The Beginning
When Pokemon just started, Grass and Fighting decks
ruled. Electric had Electabuzz- that was it. Zapdos and Electrode made some
appearances, as did Raichu, but they didn't win often. Then came Jungle.
Wigglytuff couldn't use Electabuzz because it would be far too vulnerable to
fighting. The new Elctric cards sucked. It was a time of gloom and doom for
Electric fans. Fossil worsened the deal. The new Raichu and Zapdos cards
were awful, and Rain Dance now had a way to fight off Electric decks with
Articuno. Electabuzz only saw the light of play in Haymaker, but those
thousands of Pikachu cards lined the bird cage. It was a time of bad
happenings for Electric, and it wouldn't get better for over 6 months.
The Dawn of an Age
Then, Team Rocket hit, and the tournament scene was
never the same again. With the new Movie Promo Mewtwo in every winning deck,
players swarmed over Dark Alakazam and Dark Hypno. There was also talk about
an "Infinity" deck using Dark Slowbro, but not much happened
there. Dark Blastoise improved the already mighty Rain Dance, and Dark
Vaporeon contributed to Energy Removal. The Haymaker decks weakened.
Evolution was on the rise, and Aerodactyl was a ruler in the tournament
scene. But then players discovered Dark Vileplume, bringing in an archetype
we still use today. But Electric was a sleeping type. Then players found the
speed of Dark Jolteon and the power of Dark Raichu, and Electric quickly
became one of the speediest types in the game. Dark Raichu/Movie Promo
Pikachu was a deadly combination. Things looked up for Electric fans.
Gym Heroes hit the street, causing Haymaker resurgence
and new decks to spring up by leaps and bounds. Electric decks got small
boosts from the two Electabuzz, but that wasn't enough to usher in the
ultimate age of power for Electric fans.
The Age of Dark Power
Then, the unspeakable happened. Electric decks
received the biggest boost in popularity since the first days of Pokemon.
Yellow was all you saw in tournaments. Electric decks were now viable. It
all happened because of a single lethally powerful card- the awesome
Rocket's Zapdos. It nearly wiped Rain Dance out of business. The Pokemon
could power itself amazingly fast, deal an awesome amount of damage, and it
had Resistance to the type's weakness. This was by far the best Zapdos. It
started here that only Mono-Electric and Electric?Psychic could compete
Then, even more power came to Electric decks. It came
in the form of two new cards- the nearly untouchable Skarmory and the big
gun Sneasel. Steelix was also a major contendor. Electric decks had it all.
Sneasel helped Electric deck's already strong arsenal of Electabuzz and
Rocket's Zapdos, and the deck was proposed unbeatable... until something
happened that matched the power of an elctric deck. Slowking surged through
tournaments, using Sneasel as a main attacker. Electric decks had to
Today, only three deck types are ever really used- Mon
Electric "Dark Zapdos," Pure Psychic "Sneasel King," and
"Wiggly." All three decks are very powerful. But I have an answer
to them all. Its not definite, but it sure will help.. Just wait till' next
time. You'll see.
; )
Scott Arko, signing out