Hi Pojosamaniacs! This really isn't a strategy, but sorta a warning to those
making strategies that I've discovered. I've seen a couple people suggesting
to attach a Metal and Darkness Energy to the same Pokemon to counteract the
side effects of each other. Well, when looking closer at Darkness Energy, it
tells you if the Pokemon it's attached to isn't Darkness or has Dark in its
name to PUT A DAMAGE COUNTER ON IT, not IT TAKES 10 DAMAGE, like some may
believe. This is like the change in the Poison rule that makes the Poison
effect to put a damage counter on the Poisoned Pokemon instead of calling it
10 damage. Metal Energy only protects against damage, not the placement of
damage counters, and therefore, cannot protect the Pokemon against Darkness
Energy. Metal Energy can, however, protect you against a Rainbow Energy's
damage, because that card does say 10 damage. Just a clarification for those
using this theoretically devastating combo. Until next time...
