1. Cleffa.
This card is the best! You get a Prof.Elm any time you want from it! Get it in active (with a couple defenders on) and Eeeeeeek! 5/5
2. Slowking.
This guy gets deadly when you get 2 out, turning a 50% chance of trainer fail to 75%. And to add to that it's a stage 1 with high HP. 5/5
3. Meganium.
He doubles your grass energy! Venasaur gets 2 energy to do 60! Meganium itself gets 2 energy to do 40 and auto sleep. This card makes grass come back into the arena! 4/5
4. Feraligatr.
A combo all in one card! Downpour ,Rip Tide, Downpour, Riptide. You'll never run out of cards in your deck! 4/5
5. Sneasle.
Beat up your opponent until he's gone. With a full bench you can do as much as 100 damage! Great! 4/5
Top 2 trainers.
Sprout Tower.
No more wiggly! Forget Kengaskhan. Say by to any colorless pokemon with the gym out. A must in every deck! 4/5
Around as good as Bill! Not only do you get 2 new cards, but you put back cards needed for later uses! Got a Charizard in hand but don't have Charmeleon? Put Charizard back, wait till you draw Charmeleon ( It usually takes 5-10 turns ) and boom! You got'em! 4/5
This is my opinion of the top cards in the neo set.
E-mail me at
But No Hate Mail!
Sir Stoise
P.S. - On my Metal energy + Chancey post I put my e-mail as bail51@hotmail.com, that is not correct. it is baily51, so if you have any questions about that, you can e-mail me from this.