Hi! This is Will C. and I will be now be known as Dark Weedle, O.K. I will tell you about some of the cards I think are underrated.

Defender: This card is most useful when you are using pokémon that can hurt themselves, such as Chansey, Base Raichu, promo jigglypuff, or base arcanine. Also can prevent 20 damage done to you during your opponent's next turn.

Nidoking: I don't see why this card isn't used very much, he may be stage 2, his lower evolutions may be weak, but he has awesome attacks, and great hp. His second attack does 40 damage garunteed if you figure in the poison, kills mimes, and if your opponent can't get out of poison the turn after you attack, they will be dead nearly all the time.

Dodrio: This card can be used in conjunction with nidoking to lower his retreat cost. He has 70 hp, free retreat, his only downside is that his attack uses too much energy.

and the last card I will talk about that is underrated is BASE GASTLY (using heavy sarcasm)
His first attack has a whopping 25 percent chance that the defending pokemon won't be able to attack and his second attack is just awesome. NO, just kidding.

Here's a deck using the 3 underrated cards I have mentioned:


4 nidoran male
4 nidoking
3 doduo
2 dodrio
3 scyther

4 oak
4 bill
3 defender
4 pokémon breeder
4 computer search
4 item finder
4 nightly garbage runs

2 D.C.E.
15 grass energy

If anyone tries a deck like this please e-mail me.

                Thanks for reading,


Dark Weedle,
