Yo Pojo! I'm here with another great tip for you that's very useful for me,
and maybe for you too.....

    It's called my "Team Rocket's Rattata + Jungle Mankey" one of the
greatest combos I have ever seen. Now I know what you're saying "why pokemon
with such weak attacks and terrible HP?'. Well, here's why. I don't want them
for their HP or attacks (not at all!!!). I want them for their pokemon
powers. You know, Rattata's power "Trickery" and Mankey's power "Peek"? I
think they make the perfect match!!! Well, first you need to have both of the
cards on bench or in battle. Then use Mankey's Peek (for those of you who
don't know what his pokemon power is here's the translation: Once during your
turn[before you attack] you may look at one of the following: the top card of
either player's deck, a random card from your opponents hand, or one of your
or your opponent's prizes) and look at one of your prizes. Here's where
Rattata's Trickery kicks in.(for those of you who don't know the translation
for Team Rocket's Rattata's Pokemon Power: Trickery, Here it is: once during
your turn (before you attack) you may switch 1 of your prizes with the top
card of your deck. This power can't be used if Rattata is asleep, confused,
or paralyzed.) So after you looked at one of your prizes (due to Mankey's
power peek), And if you really wanted to draw that card or if you really
needed it, You use Rattata's Trickery to switch it with the top card of your
hand. And what was once A prize, is now the next card you are going to draw!
Cool huh? And then you just repeat the process with different prizes. It's
like you will know what the next card you draw will be! Well, I hope you like
my strategy allot and I hope it will be more useful to you as it was to me.
Peace out!

