First off, I just want to say, ranting on archetypes is annoying and
pointless. I absolutley HATE Stalls, but I don't waste my time complaining
about them, I just don't use 'em. It's that simple.....
    Without Haymaker Pokemon, the game would just suck. Yeah, the can be
defeated by their weakness, but most good players fill their deck with a
variety of Pokemon, as to avoid being utterly destroyed by one type.
    But before I get into what's wrong with this article, let me ask this;
what exactly is a "Haymaker" Pokemon? As fas as I know, a Haymaker Pokemon is
any Basic that can hit hard and fast, usually having 60-90HP. In my opinion,
every deck should have at least 1 kind of Haymaker Pokemon, if not as your
main attacker, to at least hold your opponent off until you can get you bench
    On to what's wrong with this article: Gadget Boy list a few Haymaker
Pokemon, and says what can beat them. Now I'm going to list how most good
player would counter that situation:

Fossil Magmar: he says Articuno could take it out, now let's look at a normal
in-game stuation: First turn, you and your opponent each have one Basic,
Magmar vs. Articuno. You win the toss, attach to Magmar, use Smokescreen.
Opp. goes, attaches Water, does nothing. You attach again and do 20, tails,
no Poison. he goes, does same as last turn. You go, do 20 more, heads,
Poison, that's the game right there.

Hitmonchan: While Base Mewtwo CAN kill it on turn three, Hitmonchan can also
kill the Mewtwo on the same amount of turns. And also, that would only work
for Mewtwo if You kept attaching to Hitmo, and a smart player would relize
not to and be guarunteed to get the Mewtwo.

Now Electabuzz: Dark Dugtrio? While that can't be over come without
retreating, if your playing Electabuzz, then you probably have the common
sense to play Scyther. So all you'd have to do is Scoop Up or switch 'Buzz,
send out Scyther, kill 'im next turn, assuming you have DCE, if not then the
third turn.
On to Scyther: MP Moltres, eh? That's all based on who goes first. The player
who goes first would probably win, I'm not sure if Moltres HP is 60 or 70. If
it is 60, then Scyther would win third turn easy.
Lapras: MP Pikachu, that's just stupid, even if Pikachu did kill the Lapras,
it would be toast after that, even if you send out another Lapras...

MP Mewtwo: In a good Psychic deck, you would just retreat Mewtwo for a
Gastly(Fossil, of course), or maybe even an Abra, and kill it in two turns.

Wigglytuff: Dark Dugtrio again? Any good player knows how to win in this
situation, turn two Do the Wave and D.Dugtrio's gone.

I'm done picking apart this article, so, until I find another stupid article
to respond to, here's the address:

Any complaints, compliments, or whatever else, send 'em on down to
