As I have been getting lots of e-mail about my articles (like five per day),
I am writing another one. It's pokedex + blaine's magmar.
So here are the card stats.

Blaine's Magmar
Type:  Basic Fire Pokemon
LV.29     HP 60
R:   Blow Fire:   10+
  Effect:  Flip a coin.  If heads, this attack does 10 more
RRR:   Magma Breath:   20x
  Effect:  Discard the top 5 cards of your deck.  This attack
    does 20 damage times the number of R Energy cards discarded
    in this way.
-CC       Retreat
W         Weakness
No. 126 (Uncommon)
Type: Trainer
Text: Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and rearrange them as
you like.

A lot of people think Pokedex is a useless card. I did up to about five
minutes ago when I thought of this combo. But you will notice that Blaine's
Magmar has a Magma breath attack which discards the top 5 cards of your deck
and does 20 damage times the number of R Energy cards discarded in this way.
But you may want to check to see that you are not discarding anything other
than fire energy, so use pokedex! One handy tip: When you use Pokedex, put
anything that is not fire energy to the top of your deck (most important
right at the top). Blaine's magmar also works well with the Trainer card
Blaine, which lets you attach an additional Fire energy to one of your
blaine's pokemon in play, for that turn only.
When making a blaine's magmar deck, you need to use LOTS of fire energy. It
may well look something like this:

Pokemon: 4

4 Blaine's Magmar

Trainers: 18

2 Computer search
2 Blaine
2 Scoop up
4 Pokedex
2 Guren town gym
2 Gust of wind

Energy: 38

40 Fire energy

As you may have noticed, there are no bills or oaks in this deck. This is
because they are simply not needed. That is strange, people say 'The Golden
rule is when making a deck you need 4 Bill and at least 2 Oaks. If you do
not do that then you are rubbish at deck building'. What are they on about?
Okay I have that exact number of Bills and Oaks in my best deck, but SOME
example, Mulligan Mewtwo deck. This is no longer popular because of energy
removal etc, but it doesn't need bills or oaks, just like this one.

That's all for now.
by Adam, please e-mail me!
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