Today we are going to look at Erika's Bellsprout family

Erika's Bellsprout lv.15

1C clumsly tackle 20
Bellsprout does 10 damage to itself.

Common Rating (1-10):6

This card is a major improvement over that jungle trash card named
bellsprout ,20 for 1 C and what it evolves into is even better.

Erika's Weepinbel Lv.30

1GC sleep poisen
The defending pokemon is now asleep and poisened.

2GC Vine Whip 40
Uncommon Rating:7.5
wow! poisen and sleep with no coin flip that's a death sentence to anything
but scyther(king of grass)and Vine Whip is good too.

Erika's Victrebel lv.37

Poke Power:Luring Scent
once during your turn before you attack flip a coin if heads chose one of
your opponent's benched pokemon and switch it with their active.can't be
used if asleep,confused,or paralyzed.

3G Razor leaf 50
Rare Rating:8.9

Hey lure won't waste a turn and if heads you can take out anything with 50
or less.

All in all Erika's Belsprout family are a major improvement over the Jungle

Overall Rating:8.1

Rufus Shinra