Everybody is bashing Wizards of the Coast for screwing up the card game. Well, open your eyes. Wizards is doing nothing of these things. Do you know why?... Last September Wizards of the Coast was bought for $325 Million smackaroos. By who, you ask?
     None other then the greedy corporation known as Hasbro. Wizards didn't make Base Set 2. Hasbro did. Wizards may have cared about the Rocket misprints. But Hasbro didn't. And I'm sure Wizards didn't want Misty's Goldeen or Misty's Tentacool to be rares. But Hasbro did. The only reason Hasbro bought Wizards was for Pokemon. Period. Hasbro could care less about Magic. Pokemon is the big thing, so the greedy scumbags at Hasbro bought it. They could care less if people are happy, because they're making money.
    Now this is just a theory, but you know how misprints can gain value? Well, Hasbro may have caused the misprints, so people would think they were valuable and buy more booster packs. After a while they say that all misprints will not be changed. So those of you who thought that your "Made in 23000" Dark Arbok is worth more, I pity you, for you have been fooled.
    There's only one way to fight back. Pojo-people, spread this to everyone you know who collects cards. I think that if we stop buying American booster packs for 1-2 months, Hasbro's earnings will drop substantially, causing them to think that Pokemon is dying down, and they might, repeat, MIGHT slow or even stop this insanity that they are causing. You can still buy Japanese booster packs, though as the scumbuckets don't have anything to do with Japanese Pokemon. I will not give any guarantees on this though, so if it doesn't work, we have two options. 1. Blame me and ban me from this website, or 2. Try again, but this time make it last longer.
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