I know I haven't written any articles in a while, but with summer travels I haven't been able to get to the Internet on a regular basis.  Today I want to respond to the recent article by Killer Wasp called "Top Ten Pokémon Powers."  To be blunt, I couldn't understand what he was saying because of his extremely poor grammar and frequent typos.  My article contains revised version of his article, with corrections in RED to make sense of what he is saying, and my commentary in blue.

First off, your site rules!!! Now, I decided to make a top 10 list that I haven't seen too many of... the top Pokemon powers from all the currently released sets (not including Gym Heroes OR Venusaur's Energy Trans, Blastoise's Raindance, Alakazam's Damage Swap, and Gengar's Curse.  These are the best powers.  So many decks are focused around these Pokémon that the other Pokémon Powers can't contend with them.)

So here are the top 10 (actually 11) best Pokémon Powers:

10.  Dark Gyarados's Final Beam: (You think you got a Pokémon out of the way?  Think again)
I’m not very fond of this Power because of the coin flip.

9. Omanyte's Clairvoyance: (Looking at your opponent's hand can set up all kinds of combos.)
Sure, the Power is good, but on a 40 HP STAGE 1?  It wouldn’t last long enough for it to matter!

8. Dodrio's Retreat Aid: (Don't you hate losing those precious energies to retreating?  With Retreat Aid(s), you can save an energy or 2.)
Were this my list, this would be MUCH higher.  I think it's because I have this weird deck using Retreat Aid and Dark Alakazam's Teleport Blast to do damage and then send up a Wall like Snorlax or Kangaskhan or Chansey.

7. Dark Dugtrio's Sinkhole: (Think that retreating is getting you away from damage?  Not with Sinkhole.)
Not bad, not bad.  I’ve seen this one in a combo with Dark Muk’s Stick Liquid to make retreating a real pain! 

6. Haunter's Transparency:  (Without any status effects there is only a 50% chance of hitting it every turn.)
In my opinion, this is one of the most useful Powers in this list.  A great way to set up for Gengar, or to stall.

5. TIE- Dark Muk's Sticky Liquid (Stops those free retreat Pokémon in their tracks) and Muk's Toxic Gas (Do you see all these powers I mentioned?  POOF!!! They’re useless.)
Sticky Liquid is a pretty good power, but to put it on the same level as Toxic Gas is insane!  One of the great pre-Rocket decks was the Muk deck.

4. Aerodactyl's Prehistoric Power:  (Stops Venusaur, Blastoise, Alakazam, or Gengar decks along with other evolution decks.)

I have to agree with him on this one.  This is an incredible power in a Raindance/Damage Swap environment.

3. Dark Dragonair's Evolutionary Light: (Search your deck for… evolutions once per turn.)
I actually built a bizarre Eevee deck with 3-2 on this family to help get the best Eeveelution.  I LOVE this power—a great addition to the search engine of a deck.  Also good to help speed up low-Trainer Dark Vileplume Decks.

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Can you guess who #1 and #2 are?

Drum roll, please...

2. Dark Vileplume's Hay Fever: (Trainers are an essential part of the game, but goodbye to all of them!!!)
While this is a nice power, we have yet to see it put to full use.  For some reason, this just hasn’t been as popular as I would have predicted…

1.  Mr. Mime's Invisible Wall. (Powerhouse Pokémon can't touch him.)
This is a great power, don’t get me wrong, but #1?  This should be MUCH lower on the list than #1!

And now for some great Pokémon Powers of the future from Gym Heroes

Erika's Victreebell's Fragrance Trap: (A chance for a free Gust of Wind every turn.)
Nice, but not the best of the future powers.

Erika's Dratini's Strange Barrier: (The only things that can stop this guy are status effects.)
Uh, correct me if I’m wrong, but he still takes 10 damage from attacks, right?  So he can still be stopped...I do like him, though. 

Erika's Vileplume's Pollen Defense: (If your opponent hits it, there's a chance for the defending Pokémon to not be able to attack, use Pokémon Powers, do 20 damage to itself, and not be able to retreat.)
This one took a lot of corrections to make any sense.  The Power says that if your opponent attacks and damages Erika's Vileplume, you flip a coin, and if head, your opponent’s  Active is confused.  A good power, and a boon to Status Effects decks.

Rocket's Moltres's Rebirth:  (Think a good Pokémon’s gone? With rebirth, he isn't.)

He he he, the Zombies of Pokémon.  You can’t keep a good legend down.

Misty’s Tentacruel's Flee: (Avoid getting damaged.)
I don’t know anything about this power, so I’ll just say OK.

Brock's Rhydon's Bench Guard: (Bench Attacking Pokémon hurting your benched powerhouses?  Let Rhydon share the pain.)
Stops Bench Destruction?  Uh, it just takes the damage to itself, and thus makes itself a target.

This has been Killer Wasp's Top Pokémon Powers. 

Comments?  Email me at:
[Email Address Omitted to Protect the Stupid]

Well, anyone who has comments to me can email me at ericwilliamson@hotmail.com