Hi people! I am here to state my opinion on the top 10 pokemon cards. As
a long time player of the tcg I feel I know what works and what doesnt. Well,
here it is.

10. Ditto- the ability to be your opponents active pokemon is just great. It
adds speed and versitility to any deck.

9. Alakazam- his ability to move damage is so powerful that he is the
foundation of a whole archetype ( stall ).

8. Blastoise- this pokemon breaks a rule that is very pivotal to the game,
one energy per turn. He is also the basis of a very commonly used deck (
raindance ).

7. Muk- this card is not used as much as it should be. the ability to stop
all pokemon powers ( raindance, damage swap ) can shut down plenty of decks.
A deck based around him would have a lot of success due to the amount of
raindance decks.

6. Wigglytuff- Awesome! stage 1, 80 hp, lullaby is not a bad attack for one
energy but do the wave is just devastating. it can do 60 damage on three
colorless energy without any drawback.

5.Hitmonchan/ MP Mewtwo- they are very powerful basics with 70 hp and 40
damage off of 2 colored and 1 colorless energy. These cards are pretty much
the same thing just different types and different 1st attack.

3.Electabuzz- what cant you like about him? Great hp for a basic, and his
attacks are so inexpensive but they do so much damage. A possible 40 off of 
EC is great. You can't have a successful electric deck without him.

2. Scyther- He fits into all decks. basic wih 70 hp, 0 retreat, resistance to
fighting and a colorless attack. He is the most versitile pokemon in the
game. A great starting pokemon.

1. Mr. Mime- ( I'm getting a lot of hate mail for this one ) think about it.
Only 1 pokemon can kill him in one hit ( Nidoking ) but Mr. Mime will have no
problem taking out his earlier stages. Meditate is also a very devistating
attack. Put him in a deck with potions, defenders, and full heals and he ca
just keep meditating without being touched and throw in Hitmonchans for those
colorless pokemon and you have a winning deck. He is weak to Muk but Again he
can kill the Grimers before they evolve. On this list only 3 pokemon can hurt

any comments? you can mail me at Caucasain Boy 22@aol.com
