A few people in my area have started to build decks with Eevee and his evolutions.  That got me to thinking, which is better, Jungle or TR Eevee.
Jungle Eevee
50 HP 1 Retreat
1 Tail wag
Flip a coin. If heads,the defending pokemon can't attack Eevee during your opponents next turn.  (Benching either Pokemon ends this effect)
2 Quick Attack
Flip a coin.  If heads, this attack does 10 plus 20 damage; if tails this attack does 10 damage.
Weakness F Resistance P
TR Eevee
40 HP 1 retreat
1 Tackle 10
2 Sand Attack (I'm running out of time here, so We'll say it's the same as Smokescreen)
Same Weakness and Resistance as Jungle.
First of all, I know most of you think the Promo is better, and I agree.  But the nearest League to here is an hour and a half away soooo ya know.  I personally like the Jungle better.  A first turn Hitmonchan can eat through TR Eevee, and sand attack doesn't do enough damage for two energy.  Jungle though, has stalling and damage dealing potential, not to mention the 10 extra HP.  But I want to know what you think.  Email me at incanpeoples@revolution.every1.net  Or just post your reply on Pojo. 
MegaLink signing off.