Theres some thing that bugs me alot everyone is saying Haymakers suck and rain dance are for newbies well they are very wrong.People say i made a new deck and if u ask if its haymaker they say no well it is basicly but it may not use the 3 major haymaker pokemon.(most use ditto some how)this really bugs me as they are say haymaker sucks when they are playing it them selfs i hope when eriks dratini is released it will stop these no evoltion speed decks.I like playing decks with at least 1 line of evoltion that isnt wiggly.Why dont people make original decks well its simple very simple dont fix something that isnt broken any deck that can be able to do fast damage is going to win as it will stop evoltionsions before there get past basics.Personaly i see that any good original deck becomes a archtype in one way or another so the card game is going to go down hill unless well catch up with jap for neo 3 so we cant design archtypes before we get the cards.Wizard needs to make some changes and fast maybe make a rule u must have at least one evoltion in the deck that isnt wiggly so basicly us as the fans need to do something or this whole card game is going to be a old craze as its just not very well designed as simpley haymakers and wigglys rule and there are very hard to counter act so coem on Wizard sort it out even if its *gulp* ban having more then 1 chan buzz scyther or wiggly in a deck so any way i know i will get hate mail for this so heres my e-mail address or so send any coments there thanks u for reading this.
By stephen muddiman (not muddy_31 on mirc any more thansk to zero im now ranma_2000)