Most of us have heard about the dominance of haymakers and wigglys in the west
coast super trainer showdown. And most of us have heard about how wizards is
considering putting a rule in effect to limit each deck to only having fifteen
trainers. Mostly everyone has said that it would make the game boring and dull
and not as fun. So i will share my opinion with you.
If wizards did put the fifteen trainer rule in effect you would see about
the same trainers in every deck, but with all decks having fifteen trainers that
would leave fourty-five whole deck slots open for trainers and energy,
fourty-five whole slots. My deck, called cornhusker, would have to under go a
lot of changes, (if you do not know what my deck consists of it is under the
8/10 killer deck reports under fire-electric.)
If anyone was to play haymaker if the fifteen trainer rule was put into effect,
this is about what the trainer count would look like:
4 oak
4 computer search
3 scoop up
2 gust of wind
2 pluspower
See, now haymaker and wiggly will be at a disadvantage, not having much room for
disruption cards like gust of wind, er, and ser. A lot of trainers will never
see use again, such as bill, many people will disagree with me on this one, but
is it really worth using up three or four slots in your precious trainer count
just to draw at maximum eight cards, you may disagree with me here, but i don't
think i would use it. Energy removal may not see much use either, with the
limited trainer space. One more card that may not be used much any more is item
finder, the reason that people ever used this card is because trainers were the
center of their decks, whose isn't, but now, with trainers being taken away from
the center of the deck, i just don't see much use for it.
Also, if they put this rule in effect, the trapper deck just won't be able to do
well at all, it would be forced to have much more pokemon and energy while
taking away all of its trainers. There are four trainers that would be a
neccessity to that deck, and they are: The Rocket's Trap, Professor Oak,
Imposter Professor Oak Revenge, Computer Search, and item finder(i know i said
you shouldn't use it in a deck with 15 trainers but the rocket's trap makes this
deck an exception.
some trainers may see more use with this rule in effect, (i'm not sure with
these, but these are just my predictions) such as pokedex, with card drawing and
searching hindered, you could use this to make sure you draw what you need, when
you need it. Another one may be pokeball, since the focus of decks would swap
from trainers to pokemon, you could get any pokemon you needed it with the luck
of a coin flip.
Some pokemon may see a lot more use if this rule becomes in effect such
as: nidoking, venusaur, beedrill, eggsecutor, dodrio, fearow, dewgong, arcanine,
rapidash, charmeleon, alakazaam, raichu, hypno, dark weezing, dark arbok, and
lots of others.
I can think of 2 pokemon in particular that are widely used that could see a lot
less action, one being blastoise, is it worth using up four slots for breeder
just for blastoise, or you could just use wartortle but you would be sacrifice a
turn. Another one is Aerodactyl, you would have to have at least 3 mysterious
fossil in your deck just for aerodactyl.
To conclude my article i would like to say that the fifteen trainer rule would
put a lot of different decks out there to play with, and it would make the game
a lot more unpredictable. I think Wizards should have some non-sanctioned
tournaments with these rules and see how they work out and decide from there. In
my opinion i think that the fifteen trainer rule should be put in place.
comments, concerns, disagreement, agreements
send to:
no hatemail please
thanks for reading,
dark weedle