P&A is my Prediction and Advice column--- hope it helps

    Hi all, this is Bo Vu once again.  If you don't know me... I am
Misty's boyfriend :-)
After posting my last article- Gym Series: "Little Problem", I went on
to read other people's articles.  The ones that got my attention were
the ones that concerned the limiting of trainers.
    I read this and I'm like ----yeah, this is gonna be cool--- why?
because I'm one of those people that are getting bored of HAVING to use
a bunch of trainers to beat other decks WITH a bunch of trainers.
    Well I hope this rule will be applied.  And if it is, here's my two
cents about it...

    15 trainer cards mean more space and that means more evolutions
--and more evolutions will give the environment the following:
        more energy
        more basics
        more pokemon powers
        and more complicated combos

    I like to be the one that transforms to destroy "the new things" so
here's what I have in mind.

    forget wigglytuff he's not original
        I am thinking about the following lines


    With 15 trainers, the bad evolution lines will still not be
effective because they will just build up to attack without pulling any
combos whatsoever
    The good ones will, however, become super popular.  Here's what I
see- Blastoise, Wigglytuff, Alakazzam, Gengar, Golduck(s)
    The other possible good evolutions are evees with the use of that
evolution chain power and dragonair line with its versitility.

    So back to Muk and Aerodactle- what do they have in common- they
shut down all of these "to be" top decks.
    They have the potential of stoping each other too so that means one
of these decks can become THE top deck.

    Here's how I see it:  Aerodactle deck will be more popular because
he fits into a variant Haymaker with Hitmonchan, Mr. Mime- and the new
versatile pokemon: Erika's dragonair- who is abled to kill whatever's
left... however, this deck will be weak against Moltress stall- which
will still live- and with the lack of defensive trainers- it will be
vulnerable to disruption decks and status effecting pokemon- especially
grass.  <I have to give a shout out to Koffing>
    Muk Decks will be abled to run along with another line of evolution-
I am thinking about Exeggcutor line- and it won't have to worry about
any combo that's not a beat down.  It will be abled to stop dratini and
Mr. Mime as well as Ditto.  Muk decks will be more flexible than
Aerodactle decks in that sense- but insane players will like the speed
of aerodactle better
    ...  Whatever might be the favorite, I'm thinking these two decks
are the best choices - next to insane wiggly- which will definitely be
used because it's so strong.
        I know I should have saved this to include in my new soap opera
series with Misty, but don't worry, there's plenty of adventures ahead
for the two of us.  Just make sure you keep up with it.

    so until next time, Have A Nice Day! :-)
                                                            Bo Vu

    comments welcomed at bo_vu@hotmail.com