First I'd like to start off by saying no one is meant in particular and I'm not trying to bash any one.
I went throw ten decks and there were very few colorless types. Plus there are very few all colorless decks at the killer decks section. Why don't people like colorless poke'mon? Let me tell you the ups and downs of colorless poke'mon.
Good Ones
Clefairy is a good one to mention. It's attack metronome lets you copy an attack for 3 energys. If you don't have clefairy because it wastes energys I suggest using double colorless energs they make it faster and easier or evolve it to clefable clefable has more HP and it only needs 2 energys or if its because of clefairys low HP just add some defenders.
Dratini is a good one to add to your list. Even though it only does 10 it evoloves into Dragonair which can do a possible 60 damage and acts like an energy removal with its hyper beam attack. In fact the best Trick Dratini can do is evolve into dragonair with the help of a pokemon breeder. Dragonair has a possiblity of 80 damage and its has an automatic switch with step in.
Bad Ones
Raticate is one of the worst cards you could use even though it gets rid of half the hp of any pokemon it does smaller damage every time its used. If its raticate vs charizard raticate would do 60 first and then 30 the next turn then 10. So its really not worth it to bother.
Wiggly tuff does its do the wave attack but that only does 60 if theres a full bench. Without a full bench this attack is pathetic.
Well thanks for listening and remember use your head to make decks remember to use trainer and pokemon that can do alot of damage, heal themselves or other pokemon, or protect pokemon.
Anonymous X